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Characteristics of a Good & Inspire Student Mentor

(May 16, 2018)

The people who usually are the best student mentors are those who enjoy sharing information and the process of learning journey.

Some of the good and inspiring characteristics of good student mentors are as follows;

1. Genuine concerns for the student mentee and their own development.

2. Willing to share and pass down information.

3. Open and trustworthy attitude; helps the student feel at ease.

4. Creates sufficient time to participate in the teacher-student sharing.

5. Accessible - is easy to reach and make contact.

6. Able to make realistic commitments and keep them.

7. Able to make time for the student mentee.

8. Willing to keep the contents of discussion confidential.

9. Desire to see the mentee grow and be an inspire mentor for others to follow.

10. Is respected by students.

11. Lastly to inspire others to lead.

The following outlines the role of a successful student mentor.

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